Thursday, May 3, 2012

Persecutors of the Church, Beware!

"If the saints are so nearly united to Christ, as the members to the head, O then, how great a sin and full of danger is it, for any to wrong and persecute the saints; for in so doing they persecute Christ himself...Oh, it were better thy hand should wither, and thine arm fall off from thy shoulder, than ever it should be lifted up against Christ in the poorest of his members. Believe it, not only your violent actions but your hard speeches are all set down upon your doomsday-book; and you shall be brought to an account for them in the great day. Beware what arrows you shoot, and be sure of your mark before you shoot them."
- John Flavel, The Method of Grace, p. 49

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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